namitta's blog

Page Rank for Social Web?

Google completely revolutionized the way search was performed when it brought out the concept of Page Rank in webpages. Pages which were "legitimate" so to speak were given more weight as compared to the others and this started the prolific trend of SEO companies that we see today. Trying to make your website more "friendly" for the spider to take notice of you and increase the number of back links to your websites using numerous link building measures only seemed to add to the choreographed process of Search Engine Optimization.

Dimensionality Reduction - Reduce this...

While reading "Patterns in Unstructured Data" which is one of the readings for the topic Dimensionality Reduction, I remembered the sentence: James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher. I had read about this sentence many years back and reading about Latent Semantic Indexing just brought it back.

Sorted Books: The Library as a stand-up comedian

Since 1993, artist Nina Katchadourian has been sifting through library collections and remixing their holdings in a delightfully unconventional way. I was going through her ongoing Sorted Books project that constructs irreverent, humorous and witty sentences by arranging a stack of books so that their titles can be read from top to bottom or left to right.

Apple goes social!

While the whole world is going crazy over social networking, how can Apple be behind? Steve Jobs has taken it upon himself to make people think of Apple, as a Social networking company, on the lines of Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and others. But will Apple succeed in changing people's mindsets? Only time will tell, meanwhile, check out the powerful list of social media offerings by Apple:

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