University of California, Berkeley, InfoSys 182AC, Fall 2006
Mary Kay Duggan, School of Information

Print, Literacy and Power: To 1900


Moffitt Library Reserve Book List, Fall 2006


Charles C. Mann. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus. New York: Knopf, 2005. Moffitt E61.M266 2005


Harvey J. Graff. The Labyrinths of Literacy: Reflections on Literacy Past and Present. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995. Main LC149 G629 1995


John Eliot's Indian Dialogues: A Study in Cultural Interaction. Edited by Henry W. Bowden and James P. Ronda. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. (Contributions in American History, Number 88) Includes text of 1671 edition. Main E99.M42.E55; Moffitt E99.M42.E55; Anthro E99.M42.E55


Narratives of the Indian Wars 1675-1699. Edited by Charles H. Lincoln. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913. Main E82.L5 Storage: $B 46 215; Moffitt E82.L73


Lawrence A. Cremin. American Education: The Colonial Experience, 1607-1783.  New York, 1970. Moffitt LA215.C73.1970; Ed/Psych LA215.C73.1970b


Allan R. Pred. Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: The United States System of Cities, 1790-1840. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973. Moffitt HT123.P7


Let My People Know: American Indian Journalism, 1828-1978. Edited by James E. Murphy and Sharon M. Murphy. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981. Main and Bancroft PN4883.M8


Leonard Pitt. The Decline of the Californios: A Social History of the Spanish-Speaking Californians, 1846-1890. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. Moffitt F870.S7.P5; Bancroft F870.S63.P65


Frankie Hutton. The Early Black Press in America, 1827 to 1860. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. (Contributions in Afro- American and African Studies, Number 157) Main and Moffitt PN4882.5.H87.1993


Mario Barrera. Race and Class in the Southwest: A Theory of Racial Inequality. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979. Main and Moffitt and Envir Design and Soc Welfare and Bancroft F790.M5.B37


Ronald Takaki. Iron Cages: Race and Culture in 19th-Century America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Moffitt E184.A1.T337.1990


Stuart Creighton Miller. The Unwelcome Immigrant: The American Image of the Chinese, 1785-1882. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969. Main and Moffitt and Bancroft and Soc Welfare F870.C5.M5


Walter J. Ong. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London and New York: Methuen, 1982. Moffitt and Ed/Psych and Anthro P35.05


Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin. New York: Bantam Books, 1989. ANY EDITION Main and Moffitt PS2954.U5


Kenneth A. Lockridge. Literacy in Colonial New England: An Enquiry into the Social Context of Literacy in the Early Modern West. New York: Norton, 1974. Moffitt and Ed/Psych LC152.N57.L62


Jules Becker. The Course of Exclusion 1882-1924: San Francisco Newspaper Coverage of the Chinese and Japanese in the United States (San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press, 1991). Dissertation at Main 308t 1986 184 1-2 (1986)


Rev. Otis Gibson. The Chinese in America. Cincinnati: Hitchcock and Walden, 1877. Main E184.C5G5 Storage # $B 303 196; Bancroft xF870.C5G44; Asian Amer E184.C5.G5.1877


Hilary E. Wyss. Writing Indians: Literacy, Christianity, and Native Community in Early America. Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2000. PS153.I52.W95.2000